Father and son on the way to work and school, St. Mark's Square, Venice

Father and son on the way to work and school, St. Mark's Square, Venice

Lamp post, statue and passers by in the Piazzetta San Marco during high tide flooding

Lamp post, statue and passers by in the Piazzetta San Marco during high tide flooding

Old gondoliers never die, they keep on rowing, Grand Canal, Venice

Old gondoliers never die, they keep on rowing, Grand Canal, Venice

Piazzetta San Marco during acqua alta high tide flooding, Venice

Piazzetta San Marco during acqua alta high tide flooding, Venice

Venetian woman watching from her balcony

Venetian woman watching from her balcony

Gondola and gondolier on canal in Venice

Gondola and gondolier on canal in Venice

Elderly lady on the Accademia Bridge in Venice

Elderly lady on the Accademia Bridge in Venice

Tables and chairs over reflections in St. Mark's Square, Venice, seen from the Campanile

Tables and chairs over reflections in St. Mark's Square, Venice, seen from the Campanile

Elderly Venetian crosses a courtyard on his way home from shopping

Elderly Venetian crosses a courtyard on his way home from shopping

Very early morning at the Bacino Orseolo near St. Mark's Square, Venice

Very early morning at the Bacino Orseolo near St. Mark's Square, Venice

Venetian couple walk arm in arm over a bridge

Venetian couple walk arm in arm over a bridge

Venetian pipe smoker gazes pensively into the canal

Venetian pipe smoker gazes pensively into the canal

Venetians on a bridge

Venetians on a bridge

Christmas lights in the portico along the Piazzetta di San Marco, Venice

Christmas lights in the portico along the Piazzetta di San Marco, Venice

Reading the newspaper in a square in Venice

Reading the newspaper in a square in Venice

Bacino Orseolo and gondolas very early morning, Venice

Bacino Orseolo and gondolas very early morning, Venice

Tables and chairs in St. Mark's Square, Venice

Tables and chairs in St. Mark's Square, Venice

Rush hour on the Grand Canal, Venice

Rush hour on the Grand Canal, Venice

Vaporetto in fog near Accademia Bridge, Venice, Italy

Vaporetto in fog near Accademia Bridge, Venice, Italy

Gondolas reflected in the high tide flood water in the Bacino di San Marco, Venice

Gondolas reflected in the high tide flood water in the Bacino di San Marco, Venice

Reflections of the Doge's Palace, Venice

Reflections of the Doge's Palace, Venice

Sunrise at the Bacino di San Marco, Venice

Sunrise at the Bacino di San Marco, Venice

Doge's Palace details, Venice

Doge's Palace details, Venice

Impressions of lamp post and buildings reflected in rippled flood water in St. Mark's Square, Venice

Impressions of lamp post and buildings reflected in rippled flood water in St. Mark's Square, Venice

Gondola and reflections during high tide flooding, Venice

Gondola and reflections during high tide flooding, Venice

Vaporetto and reflections, Grand Canal Venice during acqua alta high tide flooding

Vaporetto and reflections, Grand Canal Venice during acqua alta high tide flooding

4. Venice in Black and White
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