Reflections of Venice – Art and Beauty in the Water EPUB version


Downloadable rich media PDF of the full version of Reflections of Venice by David C Phillips

This multimedia PDF is suitable for viewing on a Windows desktop or laptop computer using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader. It can also be viewed on a Kindle device but the videos will not play.

If you have a Mac or an iPad, I recommend you buy the iBooks version from the iBooks Store.

If you want to view/read the book on a Windows desktop or laptop computer, you can purchase the PDF version of the book instead of this one. The PDF version has certain advantages (such as internal hyperlinks) but is only suitable for desktop or laptop computers running Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader software. If you think you may want to view/read the book on a tablet, then this EPUB version is the one to buy.

Add the book to your cart and check out. You will be emailed a link to download the book. It is a large file as it includes videos and many photos, so make sure you download when you have a good internet connection. This book is intended for viewing on a desktop or laptop computer or a tablet. This book is not intended or recommended for viewing/reading on a smartphone.

If you have a question about which version to buy, you can email me before purchase and I’ll help you decide.

If you buy and download the wrong version by mistake or if you can’t view/read the book on your device, DON’T WORRY. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Get in touch with me and I will help you make it work.


Reflections of Venice is a Fixed Layout EPUB3 eBook. It is suitable for viewing on a Windows desktop or laptop computer or on a Windows or Android tablet using eBook reader software such as Kobo.

  • 226 pages
  • 250 stunning photos
  • 15 videos
  • extensive glossary

The culmination of a six-year project, Reflections of Venice began with a firm resolve to portray the beautiful but much painted and photographed city of Venice in a new, fresh, unique way. It is only fitting that the city should be portrayed in and through the water that she was built on and out of which she rises. David C Phillips is a much-published international photographer, writer and videographer.

The version of Reflections of Venice for sale and download here is the full version of the book in Fixed Layout EPUB 3 format. It is suitable for viewing on a desktop or laptop computer or a tablet using suitable eBook reader software such as Kobo. Note that this is a large file (960 MB) so would best be downloaded using a WiFi connection. It is not suitable for viewing/reading on a smartphone.

Reflections of Venice was originally made for iBooks. If you have a Mac or an iPad, I recommend you buy the iBooks version here instead. The EPUB version is very good and includes all the videos and an audio clip. But if you have a Mac or iPad, the iBooks version is the best reader/viewer experience. It is slightly more expensive ($9.99) but worth the difference.


“It is rare to experience a new perspective on this beloved city and yet that is exactly what has been accomplished. The glorious languid images are not only beautiful but also fascinating. There are abstract reflections that mirror the ingenious porphyry walls of the Basilica San Marco, and all of a sudden the marble incrustations make perfect sense! David has used the multi-media benefits of this platform wisely, offering video, audio, and an interactive glossary, none of which would be possible in a printed book. REFLECTIONS OF VENICE brings a remarkable awareness to this enchanting city ‘in’ the water. Bravo David!” – JoAnn Locktov, Author, Publisher, Founder of Bella Figura Publications


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