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Reflections of Venice is a rich multimedia book designed to be read/viewed in iBooks on an iPad or Mac, or in Adobe Acrobat as a multimedia PDF on Windows PCs and laptops, or as a fixed layout EPUB with an eBook reader on Windows or Android tablets.
• over 220 pages
• 250 stunning photos
• 14 videos
• 2 slideshows
• a gallery of paintings
• extensive glossary[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner content_placement=”top” css=”.vc_custom_1533249983480{margin-top: -40px !important;border-top-width: 20px !important;padding-top: 35px !important;padding-bottom: 35px !important;background-color: #f7f7f7 !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1533250311326{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”34649″ css=”.vc_custom_1533249850608{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-right: 100px !important;margin-bottom: 70px !important;margin-left: 100px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”24068″ alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” link=”https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/reflections-of-venice/id654435062?mt=11″ css=”.vc_custom_1533250635167{padding-top: 25px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”34646″ alignment=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1533249532659{margin-right: 100px !important;margin-bottom: 80px !important;margin-left: 100px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”Buy EPUB Version” color=”inverse” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fdavidcphillips.com%2Fproduct%2Freflections-of-venice-art-and-beauty-in-the-water-epub-version%2F||target:%20_blank|” css=”.vc_custom_1533250728256{padding-top: 15px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1533250428530{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_single_image image=”34647″ css=”.vc_custom_1533250370151{margin-right: 120px !important;margin-bottom: 90px !important;margin-left: 120px !important;}”][vc_btn title=”Buy PDF Version” color=”inverse” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fdavidcphillips.com%2Fproduct%2Freflections-of-venice-art-and-beauty-in-the-water-pdf%2F||target:%20_blank|” css=”.vc_custom_1533250834715{padding-top: 10px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_separator css=”.vc_custom_1533237246085{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1533236465571{margin-top: 30px !important;margin-right: 100px !important;margin-left: 100px !important;}”]
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Learn More About Reflections of Venice-Art and Beauty in the Water
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``The culmination of a six-year project, Reflections of Venice began with a firm resolve to portray the beautiful but much painted and photographed city of Venice in a fresh and unique way. It seems only fitting that the city be seen in and through the water that she was built on and out of which she rises.``
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David C Phillips is a published, international photographer, writer and videographer.
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A few pages from the book – how they will look on your iPad.
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What people are saying about Reflections of Venice
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Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – by Boud Van Rompay -Apr 6, 2018 “Reflections of Venice is an astonishing rendition of the Venetian atmosphere. The water surfaces with their reflections have been waiting for more than a millennium to be discovered in this highly artistic work. It delivers so many viewpoints, both surprising and highly esthetic, that I wonder if I have ever really seen the city in all its aspects. The images transcend the material world. Just as one sees a really good painting and the idea of paint disappears, so fades rapidly in this gem the idea that one looks at a photograph. The impact of art can be said to give a reflection of the material universe as seen with the eyes and in an effort to add a spiritual quality to it. Adding this powerful element of creative and esthetic capturing by means of a simple viewpoint is achieved in this work of art.”
A beautiful escape to Venice ★★★★★ – by Laura@Ciao Amalfi - Apr 5, 2018 ``Rarely has a book ever offered such a wonderful travel escape as 'Reflections of Venice.' I find myself returning again and again to enjoy the dance of the light on the water and the peaceful imagery that David has captured of Venice. The videos are a wonderful touch! If you love Venice or Italy or just incredible photography, this is the book for you!``
Increíble libro ★★★★★ – by Frenesic -Apr 2, 2018 “Lo amé. Me encantó de principio a fin. Me gustó especialemnte que a veces pareciera que estamos viendo pinturas y no fotografías. Hay algo muy increíble en poder apreciar algo que muchas veces pasa desapercibido; No es bajo el agua ni sobre, sino que un submundo que solo vive en esos reflejos. A veces perfectas, a veces parecen pinturas psicodélicas o abstractas. Disfruté mucho los videos. Es maravilloso poder ver como un reflejo es aIgo y luego pasa un bote o lancha y luego ese reflejo es otra cosa, pero igualmente hermoso. Me encant6 el libro, es muy original y me parece genial poder ver Venecia de un punto de vista completamente distinto al que acostumbramos.”
A beautiful escape to Venice ★★★★★ – by Pierre157 - 2 Apr, 2018 “This is a beautiful book to look at and enjoy: a collection of photographs of Venice which are quite literally scintillating – the sparkle of the light on the water and the patterns in the reflections. The author's love of this city is clear in every image. Some of the shots are presented as movies – I would have enjoyed a few more, along with the sounds of the city. But having any movies in a book is a great treat!”
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Architects + Artisans – Blog Post of 21 March 2018
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``A New View of Venice? Impossible! Venice, La Serenissima, that ancient and venerable city built on water, has been painted, designed, photographed, composed to and sung about, has been written about in prose and verse for hundreds if not thousands of years by many of the artistic and literary greats. “How, then, to portray her in a fresh, unique way – to contribute something different and worthwhile to this Venetian artistic cornucopia (if not glut)?” This was the question author/photographer David C. Phillips asked himself. This was the challenge.``
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``The challenge had been met. The results are a unique view of the much-portrayed city; certainly a view that the average tourist or visitor misses entirely.``
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Sharon Santoni – Author of My French Country Home, Blog Post of 20 March 2018
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``Reflections of Venice, Art and Beauty in the Water, is such an original idea. The book explores the city of Venice through reflections in the water. It really paints a new kind of portrait of this breathtaking city, and its architecture and inhabitants.
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``I really appreciate when travel photography takes on unexplored perspectives. Venice is a truly magical city, and defined by nothing so much as its moving waters and canals. The patterns and designs reflected in David’s pages made me start dreaming up my next trip to the floating city…``
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Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ by Michael2cycle - Mar 25, 2018 This is a marvelous book. It is a completely original idea - literally, beautiful photos of magnificent reflections in water of sights and scenes of Venice, Italy. Not just are viewing the works or one of the world's best photographers but just like his other books in the iTunes store, this one too is breathtakingly inspiring. I have, since writing this review above of the old version, read the new and updated 2018 version of this book. It is now even more pleasurable. A lot more pleasurable. It comes across as though the author is speaking straight to me! The photos are spectacular. The colors are quite remarkable. There's a new magic this time where the author explains what to look for. I'm sure that had he not done so I would have missed several rather meaningful aspects and qualities of Venice and this artwork. The book now is very interactive and has a lot of videos which really make the scenes come to life. The glossary and illustrations are very helpful. Furthermore this book is a phenomenal guide to Venice, a must for anyone to read from cover to cover before going to Venice as you will get so much more out of your trip than otherwise, and I've already been there twice, but now wish I'd read the book before having gone!
Reflections of Venice - outstanding! ★★★★★ by Adamjbp - Mar 24, 2018 This book is magnificent. Not only is it breathtaking, but it puts such an original concept of viewing beauty. Every page is incredible! Pure art.
Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – by Clau Bettencourt - Mar 23, 2018 David Phillips does a marvelous job at bringing modern day Venice to life, he does so with clarity and precision without sacrificing the unique color and radiance of the city. Anybody who has been will immediately recognize the sights, sounds and sensation of the city, while anyone who has not will find no better portrayal of such a rich and complex place. Definitely recommend!
?? Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – by camadori - 20 Mar, 2018 ``Great photos of Venice and an excellent summary and motivation for people who are planning to travel to Venice and for those who want to relive their memories. Great creativity and talent for choosing reflections in photos as a different view.”
?? Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – by JefinaPW - 19 Mar, 2018 Este libro es realmente una belleza, las fotografías demuestran el gran talento y destreza de quien las tomo, pero mas allá de la pura técnica, tiene una sensibilidad y ``ojo`` para capturar la esencia de cada escena, tanto es asi que se puede sentir, escuchar y oler la ciudad. deben haber millones de fotos de Venecia en el mundo, pero las de este libro son únicas, reflejan la vida y la intimidad de los venecianos, no de los turistas ``excelente trabajo.”
Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – by Brierman - Mar 18, 2018 This is the most affordable trip to Venice without ever leaving your home, office or country. This is visual splendor capturing ``the other world`` of reflection that's so integral to Venice, and its dance with water, surfaces, light and reflection. Hats off to David Phillips for capturing these moments in time so beautifully. A true visual treat.
Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – JoAnn Locktov, Mar 5, 2018 ``It is rare to experience a new perspective on this beloved city and yet that is exactly what has been accomplished. The glorious languid images are not only beautiful but also fascinating. There are abstract reflections that mirror the ingenious porphyry walls of the Basilica San Marco, and all of a sudden the marble incrustations make perfect sense! David has used the multi-media benefits of this platform wisely, offering video, audio, and an interactive glossary, none of which would be possible in a printed book. REFLECTIONS OF VENICE brings a remarkable awareness to this enchanting city “in” the water. Bravo David!`` – JoAnn Locktov, Author, Publisher, Founder of Bella Figura Publications and Bella Figura Communications
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Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – Sharon Santoni, 12 March 2018 ``I've long admired David Phillips photography, but up till now had mostly seen his pictures of Paris. This volume of photos of Vencie is stunning and his idea of using the ever present water to give us a new insight into the beauty of the city is inspired! Really he has made me want to go back to Venice, and wander streets early in the morning searching for that light, and those special scenes that require patience and luck to capture. This book would make a perfect gift for anyone who loves photography, or simply loves Venice.`` Sharon Santoni-Smith, Author of My French Country Home, and My Stylish French Girlfriend, blogger, influencer
Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – Clangart, 11 Mar, 2018 ``Le livre de David C Phillips, reinvente Venise. Ces reflets, nous transportent dans une Venise ou la presence de l'eau prend toute son importance. Nous redecouvrons !'architecture et la vie de Venise sous une forme differente. Apres la lecture de ce tres beau livre nous n'avons qu'une seule envie: revoir cette tres belle ville. Merci beaucoup pour ce merveilleux moment.`` Chantal Lang, blogger, influencer
Magical Venice captured beautifully★★★★★ – Saminglefinch, 9 Mar, 2018 – This is a wonderful book about the life and beauty of Venice. Magical images of the canals and the comings and goings of people. Venice becomes a painting, a collection of patterns and abstract designs as the buildings reflections are captured on the ever changing, moving waters of the canals. A perfect way to capture the Magic of Venice. Samantha Inglefinch, Photographer, influencer
Magical Venice captured beautifully★★★★★ – Julia @FallingOffBicycles, Mar 8, 2018 – ``In a word, this book is mesmerizing. I feel as though I've just come out of a deep meditation, having just read it. Already familiar with David's work, I was very much looking forward to seeing his perspective on Venice, one of my favorite cities in the world. If you've been to Venice, you've no doubt noticed the reflections before, but the unique way David present his images - with an image of a full scene juxtaposed with an image of the reflection close up - is just beautiful. I found myself wanting to click many images to see if they would take me to a website where I can purchase them. The glossary of terms and additional historical information was appreciated, while not taking away from the overall focus on the story the images tell on their own. If this book were in print, although it'd be a shame without the videos, I would buy it in a heartbeat. Julia @FallingOffBicycles, Photographer, Writer, World Traveler, blogger, influencer
Inspiring New View of Venice, Exceeded Expectations ★★★★★ – Suzette Barnett, Mar 4, 2018 – ``Wow! I have followed David’s photography and writing for some years and while I know he has a fantastic eye and is a terrific storyteller, Reflections of Venice was a surprise. It made me feel like I was on a journey and I really enjoyed becoming more and more surprised as I moved through the book. The images are all captivating, with several drawing me in to their own mysterious world and honestly those need to be art on my wall. I hope that many a world traveler get the chance to be inspired by this book! PS: The Venice geography and maps section is going to be helpful for anyone heading to Venice whether they’ve been there or not :)`` – Suzette Barnett, Photographer, Writer, Video Editor, blogger, world traveler
Hidden Beauty in Venice ★★★★★ – Georgianna Lane ``Just beneath the crumbling facades and faded glory that is Venice lies an alternate world of color, motion and abstract form in the ever-shifting reflections in her canals. This mesmerizing collection of gorgeous images captures scenes from that world that the majority of visitors to the city never take the time to observe. Here, the photographer has recorded them in their fleeting beauty, captured in an instant and then gone forever. The most unique book on Venice I've ever seen. Truly a wonderful visual adventure to enjoy again and again.`` Georgianna Lane, Photographer, Author of Paris in Bloom, co-author of Vintage Roses and Peonies, blogger, influencer
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Another stunning treatment of Venice ★★★★★ – Steven Ferry, 4 March 2018 – ``When I found out that David Phillips had produced a second photographic book on Venice, I did not understand why—because the first one was so brilliant (see my review of it), uncovering and exploring a unique perspective on this beautiful city: for what is the key element that makes Venice unique? It’s waters. How many of the many superb artists and photographers who have made the pilgrimage to Venice over the centuries have developed this theme? Only one saw the obvious, the ephemeral reflections of the real world that were flowing by right under their noses: David Phillips! So I certainly downloaded a copy of the latest Reflections of Venice from iBooks to see what else could justify another book. And I was not disappointed. In typical Phillips style, as I have come to learn, he sees the obvious that others miss: Venice floods with the high tides in the winter, which means that reflections come to life very briefly of buildings and areas that normally can only be appreciated in solid and (we hope) enduring stone, marble, and brick. The second volume is so many things on so many levels: a work of art on the works of art that make up Venice; a totally new look at a city that has been photographed probably more times than anywhere else other than perhaps Paris; a front-row seat as David seeks out all the places much and little travelled, so we do not have to travel there or throw off the bed covers before freezing dawns to capture the really rare moments and scenes. This book will surely act as inspiration to painters and photographers alike, as he crosses the two disciplines; to tourists, who can use this as a guide book to open their eyes in the way that no other guide book can, because the author spent a month, on this last photoshoot, walking the streets and gliding along the canals ten hours a day to uncover all the small corners of Venice, each one a gem in this digital gem case. In geological time, the beauty that is Venice will last as long as one of those (brief) reflections that David Phillips captures; luckily for us, he has immortalized those brief moments in time and extended them forever in the magic of the digital space. This is one of those books (plus video and audio files) I intend to enjoy repeatedly on quiet afternoons alone, or with friends and family wanting to celebrate what is beautiful about this world, Venice in particular.`` Steven Ferry, Author, Photographer, world traveler
?? Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ – Simon Collins P - 6 Mar, 2018 – ``El Iibro te hace navegar por los canales de Venecia e ir admirando la belleza de la ciudad de una manera muy particular, a traves del reflejo en el agua con maravillosos colores. Muchas veces no sabes si estas viendo el reflejo o el original, ademas en los videos estos reflejos toman vida. Aun no he visitado Venecia, este libro fue la motivacion que necesitaba para ponerlo en mi lista de proximos destinos. Simon Collins, world traveler
Reflections of Venice ★★★★★ ``It is very creative and unique. I enjoyed it very much. Highly recommended.`` Elena Minutti
Brilliant work of art ★★★★★ ``From the very beginning of Reflections of Venice, the author draws us creatively into the watery world of Venice. What a brilliant ``looking outside the box``: capturing all the images for the book from the reflections in that same water, of the scenes in Venice. This is what we count on from good photographers: to draw our attention to the world in a way we have not seen before, and so changing our perceptions and worldview. In this book, which ranges from mirror-image realism all the way to complete abstraction, David Phillips seems to have captured the entire range of the art world itself between the covers. Quite a feat, as is coming up with a completely new view of a city that is probably one of the most photographed and painted in the world. The images, occasionally syncopated with the well-saturated colors and the sharpness of objects photographed above the water for contrast, plumb the depths of the Venetian psyche, if a city can have a psyche, by use of another artifice that works very well indeed: capitalizing on a process that we all engage in when in a reflective mood: staring into still waters that run deep. In this rumination, Phillips allows the buildings and reflected scenes to speak for themselves, giving up some of the ghosts, eliciting a sense of the trials and tribulations, excesses and passions that have characterized this ancient city over the centuries. Now that is masterful–to photograph no people at all but nevertheless to have the viewer elicit by their own rumination, the lives of those who had gone before. A simple comparison with the lifeless images that are too often taken of buildings in cities serves to show how the author's approach has given us the window into life that marks all great works.`` Steven Ferry, Photographer, Author
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